Your home

We know that many of people will be concerned about the cost of living, the energy crisis and the recession. They will be worried how it impacts them and their family members who need support.

We want to share with you some information and resources that will help to manage energy efficiency in your homes, as well as links to other organisations that can provide advice and guidance.

If you have any concerns about your bills or energy efficiency, you can call us on 03333 202675.

Tips for around your home

Using your thermostat programmer

Did you know that you can set your heating and hot water to come on when you need it at certain times of the day, rather than having it on all the time? We suggest that you have the heating set at 21 degrees in the living room and 18 degrees for the rest of your home.

Digital thermostat programmer

Reduce draughts

Close your curtains when it starts to get dark to help keep rooms warm. You could also check for draughts around windows and doors.


Switch off unused appliances

Don’t leave your appliances like televisions on in standby mode. Also remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones on charge – most of them are fully charged within just two hours.

TV unit

Don’t waste water

Only boil as much water as you need (but remember to cover the elements if you’re using an electric kettle) – measure out what you need with your mug. Check that you don’t have a dripping hot water tap as this wastes energy.


Smart meters

Smart meters will help you keep an eye on how much energy you use.

smart meter

Keeping warm

Look out for "warm banks" in your area that offer a place to get warm. If you search online, you might find your local library, church or community café offer a warm place to spend time throughout the week.

Asda will be offering hot soup, a roll and unlimited hot drinks at its cafes for people over 60 in November and December: Asda launches £1 cafe meal deal for over 60s to help with cost of living


Easy read information

Many charities that support people with a learning disability have produced easy read information about the cost of living crisis. Take a look at these leaflets.

Mencap - Cost of Living Crisis

Mencap - Ideas to save energy

Dimensions - How to save money - Stay warm

You can also find out more from organisations such as Learning Disability England and support providers like Community Integrated Care with its Taking Charge campaign.


Getting extra help from your energy supplier

If you sign up with the Priority Services Register for your energy suppliers (gas and electricity), you could get help. For example, if you want someone to check your meter or there is a power cut, someone can check up on you.

You will need to contact your energy suppliers so they can tell you how to sign up. A family member or a support worker can help you do this to see if you are considered eligible.

You can find the website for your electricity network by visiting this website:

You can also call 0870 608 1524 to find out who your gas supplier is (this is a chargeable number).


Useful links

Energy Saving Trust

How to improve your EPC rating | EDF (

Energy price cap: Three things to do as bills go up - BBC News

Help for Households Campaign