Get in touch
Report a repair
Make a compliment, comment or complaint
Report anti-social behaviour or safeguarding concern
Please live chat with us or use the form below for general enquiries.
Other way to get in touch
Live chat with us now
Our friendly team is available to help you quickly get an answer.
(Open the chat window bottom right - available 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday.)
(Open the chat window bottom right - available 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday.)
Email us
For non-emergencies, call us on 0333 320 2675.
We are available from 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday.
We are available from 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday.
For repairs and out-of-hours emergency repairs, call us on 0333 320 2675
Emergency out-of-office hours (Monday to Friday from 6 pm - 8 am, all weekends and bank holidays)
Note: If the tenant, or you, on behalf of the tenant, says a repair is an emergency when it isn’t, then the tenant or the support provider will be charged the full repair cost.
Examples of emergency repairs are:
Burst pipes, severe roof leaks or flooding
Fires in your home
Unsafe electrical fittings or wiring
Blocked main drains or blocked soil pipe to the only toilet (not a blocked sink)
Complete loss of electrical power or lighting
Complete loss of heating if there is no alternative source
Unsecured external doors or windows (unless damaged by you, your family or visitors to your home)
Lift failure
Failure of warden alarm call system
Offensive or racist graffiti.
Emergency out-of-office hours (Monday to Friday from 6 pm - 8 am, all weekends and bank holidays)
Note: If the tenant, or you, on behalf of the tenant, says a repair is an emergency when it isn’t, then the tenant or the support provider will be charged the full repair cost.
Examples of emergency repairs are:
Burst pipes, severe roof leaks or flooding
Fires in your home
Unsafe electrical fittings or wiring
Blocked main drains or blocked soil pipe to the only toilet (not a blocked sink)
Complete loss of electrical power or lighting
Complete loss of heating if there is no alternative source
Unsecured external doors or windows (unless damaged by you, your family or visitors to your home)
Lift failure
Failure of warden alarm call system
Offensive or racist graffiti.
Visit or write to us
Sumner House,
21 King Street,
PR25 2LW
8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Sumner House,
21 King Street,
PR25 2LW
8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Help or assistance to contact us or ask for something
Sometimes, you might need help to make choices about your life or to make sure others hear what you say.
You may ask a friend, family member, or support worker to help you.
When you contact us, please let us know if you want to be supported by a representative or advocate. With your permission, we are happy to liaise with someone you nominate.
If you have any additional needs, such as mental health needs, autism spectrum conditions or a learning disability and feel that you need help to have your views and wishes heard and acted upon, we are happy to signpost you to an independent advocacy service in your area. The role of an advocate depends on your situation and the support you want. But they are there to support your choices.
You may ask a friend, family member, or support worker to help you.
When you contact us, please let us know if you want to be supported by a representative or advocate. With your permission, we are happy to liaise with someone you nominate.
If you have any additional needs, such as mental health needs, autism spectrum conditions or a learning disability and feel that you need help to have your views and wishes heard and acted upon, we are happy to signpost you to an independent advocacy service in your area. The role of an advocate depends on your situation and the support you want. But they are there to support your choices.
Easy to understand letters and leaflets
Where possible and practical to do so, we will provide information for all tenancy types as standard in the following formats:
• Plain language
• Easy Read (pictorial)
• Large print
We will aim to accommodate, where practical, the provision of information in the following formats on request:
• Audio
• Subtitled video
• Braille
• Yellow, pink or blue paper
• Other languages
We also offer BSL signing and interpretation services.
Please note that time-sensitive communications may be provided in the standard format.
• Plain language
• Easy Read (pictorial)
• Large print
We will aim to accommodate, where practical, the provision of information in the following formats on request:
• Audio
• Subtitled video
• Braille
• Yellow, pink or blue paper
• Other languages
We also offer BSL signing and interpretation services.
Please note that time-sensitive communications may be provided in the standard format.
Other languages
If English isn't your first or preferred language, you can use Language Line.
Language Line is free to use.
To use Language Line:
Phone 0333 320 4555 and ask for Language Line.
The colleague who answers will request language support, and will arrange for an interpreter to join the call.
Once connected to an interpreter, you'll have a three-way conversation with us to explain the problem in your language.
Language Line is free to use.
To use Language Line:
Phone 0333 320 4555 and ask for Language Line.
The colleague who answers will request language support, and will arrange for an interpreter to join the call.
Once connected to an interpreter, you'll have a three-way conversation with us to explain the problem in your language.
British Sign Language and SignLive service
If you are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use SignLive to connect to us through a BSL interpreter free of charge during our opening hours.
How to access SignLive
Just log in to the SignLive app on App Store , Google Play or a web browser and find us in the community directory.
The first time you use SignLive, you will need to complete a quick registration. This will keep your account secure and allow the team to call you back if needed.
You can also talk to us using SignLive at our reception desk at Sumner House in Leyland.
Please ask us if you’d like to use SignLive.
How SignLive works
Once registered, or when at our reception, you will speak to a BSL interpreter via video link.
The interpreter will then talk to our colleagues and sign their responses for you.
All SignLive interpreters are highly qualified, have at least five years of interpreting experience, and are NRCPD-registered and DBS/PVG licenced.
SignLive is completely free to use when contacting us and hundreds of other organisations on the SignLive community directory.
You can also access SignLive for your needs - find out more here.
How to access SignLive
Just log in to the SignLive app on App Store , Google Play or a web browser and find us in the community directory.
The first time you use SignLive, you will need to complete a quick registration. This will keep your account secure and allow the team to call you back if needed.
You can also talk to us using SignLive at our reception desk at Sumner House in Leyland.
Please ask us if you’d like to use SignLive.
How SignLive works
Once registered, or when at our reception, you will speak to a BSL interpreter via video link.
The interpreter will then talk to our colleagues and sign their responses for you.
All SignLive interpreters are highly qualified, have at least five years of interpreting experience, and are NRCPD-registered and DBS/PVG licenced.
SignLive is completely free to use when contacting us and hundreds of other organisations on the SignLive community directory.
You can also access SignLive for your needs - find out more here.
Visiting our offices
Level access
Level access in all buildings.
Lift access at Sumner House.
Accessible kitchen/dining areas at Leyland House and Progress House.
We offer SignLive services in all buildings.
We have information available in high contrast, audio, Easy Read, and large print upon request.
All employees undertake mandatory training in equality and diversity, health and safety and safeguarding.
We have evacuation procedures for disabled visitors.
We offer Language Line.
We have information available in Easy Read upon request.
Accessible toilets.
Accessible welfare facilities.
Private breastfeeding spaces at Sumner House and Progress House.
Dedicated quiet/low-level noise spaces are available in all buildings.
Level access in all buildings.
Lift access at Sumner House.
Accessible kitchen/dining areas at Leyland House and Progress House.
We offer SignLive services in all buildings.
We have information available in high contrast, audio, Easy Read, and large print upon request.
All employees undertake mandatory training in equality and diversity, health and safety and safeguarding.
We have evacuation procedures for disabled visitors.
We offer Language Line.
We have information available in Easy Read upon request.
Accessible toilets.
Accessible welfare facilities.
Private breastfeeding spaces at Sumner House and Progress House.
Dedicated quiet/low-level noise spaces are available in all buildings.
hearing or speech impairment?
Relay UK - If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can use Relay UK. Find out more on the Relay UK website.